Webbuilt4u Category: Social Media

From Twitter to Facebook, blogs to customer reviews, social media and social networking is something that everyone trying to run an online business should understand.

Online Reputation Management
July 13th, 2011 by Essex SEO

You’ve probably already seen the following video (at the time of this post, it’s had 2,544,668 views on YouTube). Basically, it is one of the best protests against poor customer service that I have ever seen.
The creator of the video, Dave Carroll, wrote and recorded the song and video after an ill-fated United Airlines flight .

Taking the Leap: Blogging
July 7th, 2011 by Essex SEO

Most of us know how important it is to add new content regularly to our sites; if the content is interesting, it helps you to acquire backlinks from other sites, and it also gives businesses an informal way of interacting with their customers.
It’s something that we at Webbuilt4u have recently come to grips with on .